Things Change. Change with Them.

If I’m being honest, definitive statements about what “is and is not healthy” in the nutrition and health field are practically impossible to make.

I constantly see these definitive belief systems and feel these can be deeply harmful to the evolution and growth of this ever-changing industry.

Did you know the research we have in the medical field doubles every two to three years? You heard it right, things change. Things change often. I think we are all familiar with my favorite example of this, the egg. How many times has the medical opinion of the healthfulness of eggs changed? More than I can count.

As frustrating as this may be, especially for practitioners in the field, it is an important reminder. We must always approach new information, opposing opinions or radical ideas in the health field (and life in general) with an open mind and curiosity.

The truth is, every health practitioner (doctor, nurse, nutritionist, holistic health coach) have different philosophies around health. It’s true! There is not an all-encompassing health book we all study in our education. We all attend different schools, read different books, experience life in a different way and therefore come up with different health paradigms. We are all unique and valuable in our own way.

But we do not know it all. We never will!

We practitioners can, however, dedicate ourselves to life-long learning, humility and collaboration.

I challenge you, giver or receiver of healthcare, read a book that makes you uncomfortable. Watch a video about a healing modality you’ve never heard of. Open discussion in your family, friends and community about different health belief systems. Catch yourself in a moment of skepticism and try to redirect it to curiosity.

Because no one ever changed the world by following the status quo.


The Body's Incredible, Ancient Wisdom


My name is Carly and I'm not a vegan anymore.